[Hot News] [SOLVED]: How To Unlock Password PIN on Android Smartphone or Android Tablet Using ADB

[Hot News] [SOLVED]: How To Unlock Password PIN on Android Smartphone or Android Tablet Using ADB
Di Posting Oleh : Crew Blog
Kategori : 2016 Android Android Development Android Password Lock Android SDK SMARTPHONE TABLETS

We often set a reliable 4 digit PIN password to lock the screen of our Android smartphone hoping to have the device safe from other intruders who may try to steal data from our Android device.

However, under certain conditions like if we break the screen of our Android smartphone or if the touch screen stops working for any reason or the display backlight fails to light up making our Android smartphone screen go completely dark, we end up getting locked out of our Android smartphone ourselves.

But we have one other possible solution to get over this PIN password lockout. We can unlock our Android smartphone or our Android Tablet using ADB (Android Debugger) tool. However, in order to use this tool, we need to ensure that the USB Debugging option on our Android smartphone or the Android tablet had been enabled.

Assuming that the USB Debugging is enabled on our Android smartphone/tablet, we can go ahead and connect our Android device to the PC where the ADB tool was installed earlier. Now, we can go ahead and start the adb server on the device by entering the command:

sudo adb devices

This should list our device ID in your PC terminal. After issuing this command, we can go ahead and issue the following adb commands that would pass in our Android device's 4 digit Password (PIN) and an enter sequence to submit the password into Android OS.

adb shell input text XXXX && adb shell input keyevent 66

There are two commands included in the same line here:

adb shell input text XXXX
command would result in passing the 4-digit Android lock screen password (where XXXX is your 4-digit password) and

adb shell input keyevent 66
is a command that would issue the key press event corresponding to Enter button (66 is the number corresponding to the Enter key).

This should now unlock your currently password locked out Android smartphone screen.