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If you are looking on how to obtain a compatible Linux USB driver for your DWA-171 WiFi USB dongle which is also compatible with Raspberry Pi, then here is the procedure to do so.
Note: All steps explained here are applicable to Linux kernel in general, but explained specifically for Raspberry Pi. For other devices, the procedure may slightly vary, but nothing drastic.
Step 1: If you are going to use this DWA-171 WiFi USB dongle with your Raspberry Pi, then you will need to download the kernel source code for your Raspberry Pi as you will need to build the device driver code downloaded in step 1 against this Raspberry Pi Linux Kernel header. You can obtain the Linux kernel code for your Raspberry Pi from here (It is assumed here that you have downloaded the Linux kernel code onto your Raspberry Pi board directly):
mkdir src
cd src/
git clone --depth 500 https://github.com/raspberrypi/linux.git
git clone --depth 15 https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware.git
Step 2: Create a symbolic link to the Linux kernel header files and to the directory path where your final build DWA-171 WiFi USB dongle device driver code is going to reside at using the following commands:
sudo ln -s /home/pi/src/linux /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build
sudo ln -s /home/pi/src/linux/arch/arm /home/pi/src/linux/arch/armv6l
Step 3: Next, prepare the Linux kernel and the firmware for compiling the loadable Linux kernel driver modules using the commands:
make mrproper && make menuconfig && make modules_prepare
cp ../firmware/extra/Module.symvers .
Step 4: Download the device driver source code for your DWA-171 WiFi USB dongle from the following link in the current directory:
git clone https://github.com/gnab/rtl8812au
cd rtl8812au/
Step 5: Compile the DWA-171 WiFi USB dongle driver code using the following commands:
Note: You will need to edit your Makefile here to set it to compile against Raspberry Pi Kernel
make clean && make && make install
Step 6: Finally, load the compiled DWA-171 WiFi USB dongle driver module into the kernel space of your Raspberry Pi module using the command:
insmod 8812au.ko
If you encounter a problem such as:
Error: could not insert module 8812au.ko: Invalid module format
then your driver module might not have been built properly and you may have to check your Linux kernel config. file again to correct any issues. It is advisable that you use an existing working config kernel file while building this DWA-171 WiFi USB dongle driver.