[Hot News]How To Change Fonts In Any Android Phone

[Hot News]How To Change Fonts In Any Android Phone
Di Posting Oleh : Crew Blog
Kategori : Apps Tips & Tricks

Tired of the same font and getting bored of using the same font........

Now change your font on any android device

It is very simple & easy

You can add any type of fonts you want even windows fonts and any other font

Requirements :

Steps To Change Your Fonts :

1.Download & Install Font Installer In Your Phone

2.Launch Font Installer and go to server fonts there you will get some fonts in built with app

3.IF You want to install custom fonts which u have in your sd card then copy it into to root folder of fonts or else directly install pf sd card

4.To install from sd card go to local and in that go to the folder where you have your font and click on the font & install it after installing reboot your phone.

5.That's it and your done now you will be able to change your fonts according to your wish 

6.If you need a font that you don't have you can also download from google
